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[ *L3 ]
Amount of Fees
the Year 1895-i>C
in Sterling Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Kesidence; or
what Allowance,
if any,
for House Rent
•> —i:--.r :'. » */-.r..-c b e h e M y>- -?ri:.-._ 1
;- v-c-ssetl'-n with a*..-, i.*:'!
what J-.1*:.- Ciri:. Military, or Nav*il
Offioe. or Appointiiient.
er F J W of Pi*-*£i, in any Colony, or
•n the EjftA^.iih-nerit of the
Unitt>l Kingdom.
If the Offioe be held by a Military or
"Vat-ai Officer, whether upon"
*PaU or Half itilitary or Xaval Pay,
the T *,:al A m o u n t of Pay and
Alloxanoea of
entry * actually received by
him in addition to the Profit* of'his
| Period during
j which the
' Officer has been
Absent from
| duty on hali-pay
* leave during the
Year 1S95-96. !
Whether the Principal J Date of First
enjoy any, and what other i Appointment
Advantage or Profit, nnder the
not required to be stated in ' Island
the preceding Columns, j Government.
krd Decem–
ber, 1895(a)
| 1st Novem–
ber, 1SS6 (b)
j 22nd Julv.
' "' 1S95
I '
18th Novem–
ber, 18S2
• llth June,
3rd October,