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R E T U R N of Members competing the Legislative Council (continued).
When Elected.
For whr.t placed
Whether holdins any and wlut otba
Civil or Military Office.
I Barontchizade Ahmet Vatsif
Pascal Constantinides
Eyrillos Papadopulos, Bishop
• orKitioii*;
' ''•'•-
Yerasimo Hadji Ihako, Abbot
of Kvkko
Znhti bin Hadji Hassan
Nicholas Rossos
Achillea Liassides
George Shakalli
A h m e d Bashid
Ioannes Kyriakide;
Aristoteles Palceologos
Sakratcs N. Francoudes
Ginerai El?ctbn. 1891
1st Electoral Dis-
> trict (Nicosia and
Bve-±i!cctiou 1892
2nd Electoral Dis-
, trict (Famagusta
and Larnaca)
General Election, 1801
3rd Electoral Dis–
trict (Limassol
ami Papho)