[ 96 J
R E T U R N of Members composing the Executive Council.
Date of Appointment. | Date of Confirmation.
His Excellency Sir Walter
Joseph Sendall, K.C.M.G.
The Honourable Colonel
Edmund Smith Brook
. The Eonourable Captain
I Arthur Henderson Young
The Honourable William
Thomas Tavlor
The Honourable Frederic
Gordon Te:npler, Barrister-
oth April, 1892
29th April, 1893
31st August, 1894
26th SeptemU-r, 1891
1st November, 1H93
Whether holding any and -•],•
Civil or Military OS-.?
High Commissioner and Comnanja
. **"""
In C o m m a n d of Her Majesty's U
Forces in the Island
Chief Secretary to
Member of tbe Legislative C«
Receiver-General and Member ol
Legislative Council
Queen's Advocate and MemWr.o
Legislative Council