[ 65 ]
BOARDS, and anv other Public Bodies in the Island.
Amount •„•
Tcul P.evcnue
Revenue f:. u i including all other
Net Amount
Debt. •
Governing Ho.ly
(names of, r.nd mod'- of nun..fitment).
6. C.p. |
R. C.p. | £ 8. C.p. £ B. O.p
1,627 1 4 1,599
56S 15 3
(Of this sum £297
lis. 6c.p. is duel >y
the Municipality
to the Water Fund,
and£2713s. Gcpto
Imperial Ottoman
Bank or. account
of loan for Public
8 0
Alfred KaivLkj L'ovill, Preideni of the
Commission, appointed by t'.'.e Iligii Com–
missioner under
* Tbe Municipal Councils'
Law, 1885" icid: Norinc-ariou No. 2-494
in Gazette No. 443 of 4tl» June, lb'D-i
Dervish M*h;.m.t Mu-scvidzad'j aud Ivcn-
stanti P. Dir.nellou, M e m b e r . Appointed
by the High Commissioner under " The
Municipal Councils' Lave. 1885" (vide
Notifications Nos. 1021 in Gaz-tte No. 822
of 22nd August, 1890, No. 1640 of 4th
April, published in Gr/zctt? Xo. C71, of
8th April, 189-', No. 2283 of 23rd Novem–
ber, 18'J3. published in Gnz?Kj 7so. 42-i
of 24th November, 1S93. No. 2317 of
23rd December, 1893, published in Gazette
No. 427 of 5th January, 1S94, and No.
2494, Gaz?ttv No. 443 of 4th June, KS94)
This Pieturn of Debt should shovr the same particulars as tlw
Mehmet Fedai, President of the Com–
mission; and Hadji Yasili Caristofi
and Hadji Nicola Gavrilides, Members.
appointed by the High Commissioner
under "The Municipal Councils' Law,
1S85" (tide Notifications No. 8S1 in
Gazette No. 301 of 29th November, 18S9,
No. 849 in Gazette No.303 of 27th Dec–
ember, 1S33, No. 1092 iu Gazette No.
327 of 81st October, 1890. aud No. 2526
of 5th July in GazM: No. 445 of 6th
July, 1894)
Return of the Public Debt.