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A U T H O B I T T .
SIIERI C O U R T F E E S (continued)
Hodjets for sale or disposal of property of insane people and minors, 15 per 1,000 on
On Takfiieh prepared in the Sheri Court. 2^ per cent, on the value of the object made
Takouf up to 20.000 piastre? ; beyond this sum i per cent.
For Hams changing Vakoufs from Idjare-i-Vahide to Idjaretehi, 2h per cent, on the
For Hams for the appointment of Muderris, Sheik, Imam, Eintib, Mouezzin, Devri-
Khan and such like offices, from 25 to 200 piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
r Hams of appointment a.~ Miu.ivelli, Zavitidar, Mezraadar, Malikhane and such like
appointments, a fee not exceeding 25 per cent, of the yearly personal profit by the appoint–
For documents containing information respecting appointments, &c, an office fee
(Kalrnric) not exceeding 50 piastres.
For an extract or a copy of an Ham, Eodjet, Takfieh, or other document, half the
original fee.
For making an inventory of deceased persons' property, 2^ per cent, on value of property
or money left, after deducting expenses of burial, debts and one-third of tin estate, plus li
per 1,000 for registration.
For an order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority,
& c , 10 to 30 piastres according to the case.
For an order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
a m o u n t : on renewing the order, is per cent.
• On examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, every three years or
at longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 25 per thousand on the surplus after deduc–
tion of all expenses.' If the examination is m a d e after one year, one-third of the fee and
two-thirds if the examination is m a d e after two years. If there is no surplus then a fee
is taken as follows :—
If the capital does not e x c e e d —
10.000 piastres - - - 10 piastres
30,000 piastres - -
2 0 piastres
and 10 piastres for each 20.000 up to 150,000 piastres. - '
•'• '• '•'•
Above 150,000 piastres - - - 150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people in dotage 1 per
eent. on the value of the same.
Marriage license for spinsters, 10 piastres, for widows
On the issue of a summons to a party in an action or to a witness
- 5 piastres.
- 5 piastres.
L a w of 1G Sefer
1270. Destour. Vol. I.
p. 301.Lep.Ott..Vol
II., p. 33CX
Upon registration of a " Haki Carar" ( a ten years' occupation) of Arazi Mirieh
(State) and Arazi Mevkoufeh (Yakouf) lands, 5 per cent, on the value of such
.' L a w of 12 Mouhar-
' rem, 1286, Destoor
( Vol I-, page 864.
[ Art. S of the Tapon
J Instructions of 7
, Cbaban, 1276, Des-
(tour Vol. I., p. 209.
U p o n registration of tiie sale of Arazi Mirieh (a) and Arazi Mevkoufeh (b) lands, 5 per
cent, on the sale price of such lands.
(a) Art. 6 of the
j Tapou Instructions of
18 Djemazi-ul-Akhir,
|1275(1S5S), Destour
price ot such lands.
' < ToL I., p. 200; (b)
\ Art. 4 of Kejru'.atioii*
Ion Mevkoufeh titles
I of 25 Ramazan, 12S1
(18G4) Destour Vol.
I., p. 245.
Upon registration of the transfer of Arazi Mirieh by inheritance, 2-i per cent, on the I LawVoVII of 1885.
registered value of such property.
• Destour, Vol. III., p. 155, Sect. 57.